Saturday, March 6, 2010

What I learned today about Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding and Thyroid Disease

So, I'm bleeding. And I really should not be, as my period came and went last week.

This is (given my current health situation) obviously a bit distressing. Once again, I don't really know what is going on. I just know it is all related.

Since it is Saturday night, my reproductive endocrinologist is out of town, and my OB-GYN just declined to examine me further as of Thursday morning, my best option right now is to remain calm and wait for a logical explanation.

I decided to look into a possible connection between the fact that I have just discontinued my T3 medication and the bleeding. Sure enough, there is a definite connection.

Of course, I'm not a doctor and have no ability to diagnose myself. Who knows, maybe I'm completely wrong. Still, this is what I learned tonight while researching about the connection between thyroid and abnormal vaginal bleeding:

  • Changes in thyroid levels can lead to irregular menstrual cycles, heavy menstrual cycles or loss of menstrual cycles

  • Thyroid disease can cause mid-cycle vaginal bleeding

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding is often treated by adjusting levels of hormones in your body such as estrogen and progesterone

So, even though I don't have proof that the bleeding is coming from the sudden change in thyroid hormone levels, it does seem likely. Especially as I had that full MRI and CT scan just two months ago and neither showed any pelvic masses, lesions, etc. Plus I had the full CBC just last week and it was normal. I would think a serious uterine problem like cancer would have shown up in any of those.

I'm going to take it easy and assume that everything is going to be okay. It isn't that much bleeding after all. Just a bit. If I start soaking pads I'll call my OB. But for now, I think a little faith and trust are in order.

This is what I know as of today.

I'll let you know what I learn tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The first day I took thyroid vitamin supplements my throat felt immediately better and haven't felt sore. Of course, my doctor is very pleased with the results. I didn't have to take pharmaceuticals to get relief, I prefer nature's way whenever possible.
